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PicPay Payout


PicPay is a digital wallet that offers a user-friendly way to make transactions, pay bills, and transfer money right from your phone. It operates everyday, offering a secure platform for sending money, making payments, receiving funds, businesses, and for services.

Generate PayOuts

To generate a PicPay PayOut, you need to send a POST request to the following endpoint:

POST /api/v1/payouts
Content-Type: application/json
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"

  "partner_code": "0001",
  "name": "Customer name",
  "document": "88899988811",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "phone": "44988332211",
  "birth": "1999-12-30",
  "value": 10.23,
  "fee_payer": "merchant",
  "payment_method": "picpay",
  "notification_url": ""

The document can be a valid CPF. PicPay payOuts are available exclusively for individuals and cannot be made to businesses.

The response will be:


If the provided document is not linked to a PicPay account, the payout will be created but not processed. You will receive a webhook notification informing you that the payout has failed.

Params descriptions

Parameter Description Format Example Required
partner_code The ID from your system String "0001" or "my-code" Yes
name Customer’s full name String "John Snow" Yes
document Customer’s CPF ID String "12345678902" Yes
email Customer's email String "[email protected]" No
phone Customer's phone String "11999999999" No
birth Customer's date of birth String "1996-03-09" Yes
value Amount for the payout Float 10.23 Yes
fee_payer Who is gonna pay the fees String "merchant" (default) or "customer" No
payment_method Payment method for the payout String "picpay" Yes
notification_url URL where our system is gonna send the Webhooks String "" Yes