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Order details

Check orders status and more details.

You can check the transaction status at any time:

GET /v1/orders/{latam_id}
Content-Type: application/json
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"

For Deposit orders, the response will be:

    "latam_id": "1ax234b5-67cd-8aab-118a-0d629796d28d",
    "code": "01234567899910215680042611",
    "customer_name": "Customer Name",
    "customer_email": "Customer Email",
    "original_amount": "100.0",
    "fee": "1.0",
    "tax": "1.0",
    "additional_value": 0.0,
    "final_value": 100.0,
    "status": "paid",
    "final": true,
    "created_at": "2024-04-26T16:30:27-03:00",
    "paid_at": "2024-04-26T17:26:13-03:00",
    "chargeback_at": null,
    "reason": "",
    "payment_method": "deposit",
    "money_laundry_prevention": false,
    "provider": "banco_bs2",
    "ocbs": false,
    "payment": {}

For Pix orders, the response will be:

    "latam_id": "1ax234b5-67cd-8aab-118a-0d629796d28d",
    "code": "01234567899910215680042611",
    "customer_name": "Customer Name",
    "customer_email": "Customer Email",
    "original_amount": "100.0",
    "fee": "1.0",
    "tax": "1.0",
    "additional_value": 0.0,
    "final_value": 100.0,
    "status": "paid",
    "final": true,
    "created_at": "2024-04-26T16:30:27-03:00",
    "paid_at": "2024-04-26T17:26:13-03:00",
    "chargeback_at": null,
    "reason": "",
    "payment_method": "deposit",
    "money_laundry_prevention": false,
    "provider": "banco_bs2",
    "ocbs": false,
        "payment": {
            "qrcode": " de servico00000000000000BR0000ZRO INSTITUICAO DE                     PAGAME0000Recife00000000ZROINSTI00000000000000ASA0000BF00",
            "payment_id": "a11a9ac23b77d503f5601776bcd5314f",
            "status": "paid",
            "txid": "1e7b53c4-cc1d-4e2a-9a3f-bac432eaffac",
            "payer_info": {
                "name": "Payer Name",
                "document": "123.456.789-00" }

For PicPay orders, the response will be:

    "latam_id": "b0cc67e4-5ee7-4c55-ac5a-3529be0ab4bc",
    "code": "01234567899910215680042611",
    "customer_name": "Customer Name",
    "customer_email": "Customer Email",
    "original_amount": "1.0",
    "fee": "0.0",
    "tax": "0.0",
    "additional_value": 0.0,
    "final_value": 1.0",
    "status": "paid",
    "final": true,
    "created_at": "2024-09-09T09:02:21-03:00",
    "paid_at": "2024-09-09T09:04:41-03:00",
    "chargeback_at": null,
    "reason": "",
    "payment_method": "picpay",
    "money_laundry_prevention": false,
    "provider": "picpay",
    "ocbs": false,
    "payment": {
        "qrcode_app_link": "",
        "reference_id": "12345",
        "authorization_id": "12abc34567890c9b8509dadc",
        "payer_info": {
            "name": "Payer Name",
            "document": "123.456.789-00"

Response params descriptions

Param Description
latam_id Order ID into the Latam’s system
code The ID from your system
customer_name Customer name
customer_email Customer email
original_amount Order value sent by you
fee Your fee
tax Your tax
additional_value Additional fee charged to the customer
final_value Final value of the order after fees
status Order current status *
final Boolean to indicate if the order status is final
created_at Order’s creation Timestamp
paid_at Order’s paid Timestamp
chargeback_at Order’s chargeback Timestamp (Credit Card only)
reason Reason in case of failing order
payment_method Order’s payment method
provider Order’s payment provider
money_laundry_prevention Indicates if money laundering prevention measures were applied
ocbs Boolean sent by you
payment JSON containing payment details. Each payment method has its own structure
  • When checking the status of orders, please note that paid orders may still be modified unless the “Final” field is set to true.