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Order list

Get a list of your orders:

GET /v1/orders
Content-Type: application/json
ACCOUNT_TOKEN: "<token>"

  "from": "2024-08-29 12:00:00",
  "to": "2024-08-30 23:35:59",
  "status": "all",
  "payment_method": "all",
  "sort": "paid_at",
  "direction": "desc",
  "page": 1,
  "per_page": 40

Param descriptions

Param Mandatory Values Default
from false YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (Timezone is -03:00) Today at 00:00:00 -03:00
to false YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (Timezone is -03:00) Today at 23:59:59 -03:00
status false waiting_payment, canceled, reversed, paid, chargeback, expired, analysis, initial All
payment_method false credit_card, boleto_express, deposit, ame, picpay, pix, paypal_card, paypal_wallet, mercado_pago_wallet, pec, binance_pay All
sort false paid_at, compensated_at, reversed_at, created_at, chargeback_at (defaults according to status.) created_at
direction false desc or asc desc
page false Any integer >= 1 1
per_page false Any integer >= 1 Maximum is 200

The response will be a list of orders with the following format:

    "orders": [
            "latam_id": "f99764cf-4dd6-4a55-83ab-f06cf11574b6",
            "code": "12345678901",
            "customer_name": "Customer's Name",
            "customer_email": "[email protected]",
            "original_amount": "1.1",
            "fee": "0.1",
            "tax": "0.0",
            "additional_value": 0.0,
            "final_value": 1.0,
            "status": "paid",
            "final": true,
            "created_at": "2024-08-29T23:45:58-03:00",
            "paid_at": "2024-08-29T23:46:10-03:00",
            "chargeback_at": null,
            "reason": "",
            "payment_method": "pix",
            "provider": "banco_bs2"
            "money_laundry_prevention": false,
            "ocbs": false
            "latam_id": "f5c73d0e-3781-4ebd-841b-0eafe974b0b4",
            "code": "12345",
            "customer_name": "Customer's Name",
            "customer_email": "[email protected]",
            "original_amount": "1.1",
            "fee": "0.1",
            "tax": "0.0",
            "additional_value": 0.0,
            "final_value": 1.0,
            "status": "canceled",
            "final": true,
            "created_at": "2024-08-29T21:21:35-03:00",
            "paid_at": null,
            "chargeback_at": null,
            "reason": "BL-08: Customer blocked by Compliance team decision",
            "payment_method": "pix",
            "provider": "banco_bs2"
            "money_laundry_prevention": false,
            "ocbs": false
    "total_pages": 1,
    "current_page": 1,
    "per_page": 30

Response params descriptions

Param Description
latam_id Order ID into the Latam’s system
code The ID from your system
customer_name Customer name
customer_email Customer email
original_amount Order value sent by you
fee Your fee
tax Your tax
additional_value Additional fee charged to the customer
final_value Final value of the order after fees
status Order current status *
final Boolean to indicate if the order status is final
created_at Order’s creation Timestamp
paid_at Order’s paid Timestamp
chargeback_at Order’s chargeback Timestamp (Credit Card only)
reason Reason in case of failing order
payment_method Order’s payment method
provider Order’s payment provider
money_laundry_prevention Indicates if money laundering prevention measures were applied
ocbs Boolean sent by you
payment JSON containing payment details. Each payment method has its own structure
  • When checking the status of orders, please note that paid orders may still be modified unless the “Final” field is set to true.