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Postback notification about order updates.

Every time the status of a transaction is changed, your system will receive a notification from ours, so that you are informed of the change.

POST /v1/postback
Content-Type: application/json

  "latam_id": "7c0b8129-f556-4357-bb6e-8189c2943024",
  "code": "88",
  "status": "paid",
  "reason": "",
  "name": "Customer’s name",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "original_amount": "20,00",
  "fee": "2,0",
  "tax": "1,3",
  "additional_value": "0",
  "value": "21,70",
  "payer_info": []

Params descriptions

Param Description
latam_id Order ID into the Latam’s system
code The order ID from your system
status The order’s current status
name Customer’s name
email Customer’s email
original_amount Value excluding taxes and fees
fee Latam's fee in the order in BRL
tax Latam's tax in the order in BRL
additional_value Additional charge to the customer in BRL
value Value adding tax and fee or additional_value
reason Default message explaining the status, if necessary; default: null
payer_info A hashed object that contains the payer's information

We expect your system to return a status code of 200. If not, we will attempt to retry 5 more times.

Status meanings

Status Meaning
paid Order was paid with success
expired Order was not paid at the available time
analysis Order needs to be checked by our support team
reversed Order value was paid back to customer
canceled Order was canceled by reasons like: Manual analysis, fraud, etc

Cancellation reasons

Scenario Reason Order status
Month's limit reached AML-01: Customer has reached month’s purchase limit Canceled
Semester's limit reached AML-02: Customer has reached semester’s purchase limit Canceled
Suspicious case GL-01: Suspicious Case - Customer under investigation for unusual activities Reversed
Legacy GL-02: Legacy case. Please check with LG compliance team Reversed
Other reasons GL-03: Customer blocked by LG Compliance team decision Reversed
RFI BL-01: RFI - Customer under investigation by the compliance team Canceled
Dispute BL-02: Dispute - Customer or bank of origin disputed payment of transaction Canceled
Multiple disputes BL-03: Disputes - Customer with multiple disputes opened by him or his bank of origin Canceled
Antifraud BL-04: Antifraud - Customer blocked by LG antifraud engine Canceled
Internal decision BL-05: Customer blocked by LG Compliance team decision Canceled
Judicial decision BL-06: Customer blocked by judicial decision Canceled
Judicial/administrative processes BL-07: Customer blocked due to judicial or administrative processes Canceled
BL - Other reason BL-08: Customer blocked by LG Compliance team decision Canceled
Maximum number of orders of the day reached AF-01: Customer has reached the maximum number of daily orders Reversed
Maximum daily purchase amount reached AF-02: Customer has reached the maximum purchase amount of the day Reversed
Maximum amount for first order of the day reached AF-03: Customer has reached the maximum value of the first order Reversed
Divergence of documents NM-01: Customer’s document is different from the payer’s Reversed
Divergence of names NM-02: Customer’s name is different from the payer’s Reversed